Thursday, June 13, 2013

AFF 1985 shirt

If you're interested in owning a piece of Atlanta Fantasy Fair history, Mouse Trap Vintage has a T-shirt from the 1985 AFF on sale at their Etsy shop!

Is that Susan Barrows?  I think that's Susan Barrows.


  1. Yep that is Susan, I miss those days. What a great show!

  2. Yes, it is me, and it's nice to be remembered. I did the layout and design and also painted all that scenery, too. The shot was taken at a goofy golf place in Smyrna, and I had to coverup the concrete walkways, overhead power lines, and scruffy pine trees. I still have one of the posters, and the funny thing is that I just got around to framing it, 30 years after the fact.

  3. Susan! I remember you in your awesome Phoenix costume. I also had one of your posters that you signed for me from AFF; can't remember which year, but it was the one where you were wearing one of the AFF t-shirts that was cut up and tied. Also remember seeing you sometimes at the Cup & Chaucer back when I worked at Oxfords.
    Glad to see I'm not the only one who remembers the AFF fondly...

  4. Ha! Good name, Got Slack. Thanks for remembering me so fondly. I'm a SubGenius now. I've been Reverend Susie the Floozie, doing my own radio show at WREKfm in Atlanta since 1994--"Bob"'s SlackTime Funhouse. A site called radio4all[dot]net has hundreds of shows under "B" on the series button. It's like therapy for me because I can read soundwaves. But I can't tell people apart because I'm faceblind. The whole time I was at the AFF, I was absolutely terrified. The only way I could mastermy fear was to play a role, and Susan Barrows was it. Funny, huh?
